Friday, May 15, 2009

"I'm Baaaack"

Last week I went on vacation and I got high. Almost 10,ooo feet high, to be exact. (For those of you who were thinking of another 'high", shame on you).
Anyway, I hopped on a plane May 1st to cross the pond to fly to Denver. I was actually nervous about this trip to America, b/c according to "Fox News" there was a chance everyone would be dead because of the Swine Flu. I was relieved to see that wasn't the case!
Had a great time visiting with my Aunt and Grandfather and my sister and her beau. We spent some time exploring the Rocky Mountains and taking lots of pictures of nature and the wild life out there. I'm sure the locals were aware that we were tourists b/c we were waaay too excited about seeing roaming Elk, Antelope, and Buffalo. But when you don't see it all the time it's quite interesting.
I even invested in some real cowboy boots from Cheyenne, Wyoming.